Chapter 6: Local Road Construction Management 196 Cement: 1-Quality Test Fine Aggregates: Laboratory forms, Stone Masonry 1Quality Test, Headwall, 1-Grading 502(17)d 1-610mm dia. Flared Type (FT- Test Worksheet for Sieve HW) Water: 1-Quality Analysis, Unit Weight test Determination Cement: 1-Quality Test Fine Aggregates: Laboratory forms, Stone Masonry 1Quality Test, Headwall, 1-Grading 502(17)g 1-610mm dia. Breaklfow inlet Test Worksheet for Sieve type (BF) Water: 1-Quality Analysis, Unit Weight test Determination Cement: 1-Quality Test Fine Aggregates: Laboratory forms, 1Quality Test, 1-Grading 505(5) Grouted Riprap Test Worksheet for Sieve Water: 1-Quality Analysis, Unit Weight test Determination The CSH Program should detail the composition and functions of the CSH Committee. It shall specify CSH policies to be observed and maintain within the construction site. The CSH Program should also specify sanctions for violating the CSH policies; nature and frequency of activities for CSH; and the manner of waste disposal from the construction. The cost of implementing the CSH Program, as mandated by DO 13-98 shall be integrated into the project’s construction cost. This cost shall be a separate pay item, duly quantiifed and stated in the project’s tender documents and construction contract documents.

LRM Manual CMGP - Page 196 LRM Manual CMGP Page 195 Page 197