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Local Road Management Manual 64 4. Inventory of Local Roads The situational assessment of a local road is important in defining an appropriate engineering intervention of the subject road. An accurate representation of the physical condition of a local road is not only important in planning appropriate engineering measures but more so on prioritizing the necessary investments across local roads. An inventory of a local road will entail two components – the physical condition of the road elements (e.g. pavement, drainage); and the level of service (e.g. traffic volume vis- à-vis road capacity). 4.1. Local Road Condition Rating The condition of the elements of the local road can be rated as good, fair, poor and bad. The templates for local road inventory are detailed in Annex 2B for the local road condition rating, and in Annex 2C for summarizing the results of the local road condition rating. DILG will develop a computerized GIS-based system for local road and bridge inventory. Local roads in good and fair condition are considered as in maintainable condition. In contrast, local roads in poor and bad condition are identified as not in maintainable condition and therefore should first be rehabilitated into maintainable condition. Table 3.2 shows the characterization of rating a local road as good, fair, poor and bad condition as it relates to maintenance condition and possible treatment measures (which will be fully discussed on the chapter for surface treatment options). Table 3.3 lists the specific condition rating indicative of the various road elements and depending on the surface pavement. Sample visual identifiers of condition ratings for local roads are shown in Figures 3.6 to 3.14 for the rating of good, fair, poor and bad condition.

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