Chapter 7: Local Road Maintenance Management 215 iv. Miscellaneous Expenses; v. Contractor’s Profit Margin; and vi. Value Added Tax. Ideally, the total project estimated for contracted local road maintenance works should be similar to the suggested project estimate tabulation shown in Section 4.1.4 of Chapter 5 (Table 5.3). For purposes of clarity, the same table is illustrated here as Table 7.4. Again, the Construction cost for the package is estimated by using the unit prices computed and the quantities calculated in the same prescribed format for the Calculation of Approved Budget for the Contract. The total for each Bid Part or Bill Item of this cost estimate is carried to the Summary of Costs and the total project cost is compiled in the Total Project Estimate, which is the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) issued in the bid advertisements. 8. Maintenance of Sealed Pavements (Paved Local Roads) Maintenance of sealed pavements (paved local roads) can also be categorized into two types – routine maintenance; and periodic maintenance. Similar to gravel road maintenance, routine maintenance of paved roads (whether asphalt or concrete) is carried out annually to keep the road pavement, road shoulders, side drains, cross drains, roadside verges and road safety devices in good condition. Failure to do so will mean premature deterioration of the pavement, for which pavement replacement is more expensive. In contrast, periodic maintenance for paved roads will require more work items on a wider coverage at fewer frequencies than routine maintenance. Periodic maintenance seeks to preserve the quality of the sealed pavement at whole sections. Cost estimates for the maintenance of sealed pavements will also require the same degree of quantity calculation and cost estimation as gravel road maintenance (see previous section). Unlike gravel roads, the maintenance of sealed pavements are based on the inspection findings for sections showing pavement defects or distress (see the section on local road inventory at the local road planning chapter of this manual). Maintenance measures are then based on the degree of distress over the pavement.

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