Local Road Management Manual 556 ACTIVITY NO. 142: MANUAL CLEANING OF CULVERT INLET/ OUTLET I. Description of Activity Use this activity for removing obstructions at culvert inlets and outlets, in manholes, in catch basins and in drop inlets, using labor- intensive methods. This activity does not include inspection. II. Purpose To provide functional drainage structures. III. Schedule of Application Schedule when needed, as indicated by PRMF Provincial Coach and Provincial Engineer inspections. Emphasize prior to rainy season and where surface defects have been caused by inadequate or clogged drainage. IV. Construction Method 1. Remove debris from inlets and outlets. 2. Remove obstructions that would not normally wash out. 3. Place waste material in a safe location that does not obstruct drainage or waste on site. 4. Report structural failures and eroded areas to Area Engineer. V. Daily Production Rate 6 - 12 inlets, outlets, catch basins or manholes cleaned VI. Method of Measurement Measurement of drainage inlet/outlet cleaned will be made by actual count of the total number of units of each type acceptably completed. VII. Basis of Payment The quantities as provided in the Method of Measurement shall be paid for at the contract price bid per meter, which price and payment shall be full compensation for cleaning, disposing of

Local Road Management Manual Page 556 Page 558