Local Road Management Manual 106 e. Annual Works Program. Each local road will have to be proposed with an appropriate surface treatment, whether maintenance, rehabilitation or improvement. Taken as a whole, these engineering interventions should be programmed in the long-term recognizing that LGU resources are often constrained. The annual slice of this investment program for the local road will constitute what is feasible for the LGU to finance within the current fiscal year. The annual works program contains the initial estimates for a given civil works for a local road. This would also mean that the annual works program is the current priority of the LGU, which is often what is budgeted by the local council for the given fiscal year. f. Implementation Mode. LGUs vary from their capacity and expertise on local road management. Being empowered to generate and utilize local resources, the LGU can execute on its own typical services for local road management, which is commonly referred to as By-Administration or Force Account. In this mode, the LGU uses its own workforce and procures supplies to manage and implement civil works for the local road infrastructure provided that the concern LGUs passes the required Technical Capability Assessment conducted by DPWH. In instances where it does not have the technical capacity or expertise, the LGU needs to contract out local road management services to the private sector; The procurement process should be guided by Republic Act No. 9184 (RA 9184) or Government Procurement Reform Act (GPRA). Under RA 9184 and its IRR the default method pf procurement is Competitive Bidding. Implementation is normally termed as By-Contract. This assumes that the local industry is robust and competitive. Rather than delivering the actual services, the LGU would then manage these contracts in accordance with RA 9184, which will require fewer resources for the LGU. The typical local road management services that can be contracted out are the following (and conversely, the local engineering office can undertake these functions if the technical expertise is present): i. Feasibility Study; ii. Detailed Engineering Design; iii. Construction Supervision and Contract Management including QA/QC;

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