Annex 5: Activity Standards for Local Gravel Road Maintenance 561 VII. Basis of Payment The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in the Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at the Contract unit price which shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item. VIII. Payment will be made under: Notes: A "Passmeter" is one mowing on one side of the road regardless of the width. Normally, one centerline meter of road (with both sides to be mowed) will have two pass-meters per mowing operation. ACTIVITY NO. 301: ROAD SIGNS MAINTENANCE I. Description of Activity Use this activity for repairing, repainting or replacing traffic signs, hazards markers, delineators, culvert markers and kilometre posts. Striping of wing walls is included. Trimming vegetation to improve sign visibility and cleaning signs are included, if incidental to the work. II. Purpose To preserve and restore the signs in its functional condition, as they were first installed and to prolong their useful life. III. Schedule of Application Schedule when units have lost their day or night visibility, misaligned or damage. Give first priority to regulatory signs, second to warning signs (including hazard markers and delineators) and third priority to information signs (including culvert markers and kilometre posts. IV. Construction Method 1. Distribute laborers to proper locations. 2. Perform maintenance in accordance with current traffic control devices standards.

Local Road Management Manual - Page 562 Local Road Management Manual Page 561 Page 563