Annex 5: Activity Standards for Local Gravel Road Maintenance 541 ACTIVITY NO. 101: MANUAL REPAIR OF UNPAVED ROAD SURFACES I. Description of Activity Use this activity for correcting minor surface erosion, ruts, corrugations, potholes and other minor defects using labor-intensive methods and without adding new materials. Reclaiming surface materials and ditching short, adjacent sections are included. II. Purpose To provide smooth, well-drained surfaces. Reclaiming surface materials and providing functional ditches are secondary purposes. III. Schedule of Application Schedule when defects control traffic speeds or threaten the structure of the road surface. Schedule for isolated spots and short sections. Avoid using the activity as a substitute for Activity 104 (Machine Grading Unpaved Road Surfaces). Schedule this activity when subgrade failures (soft spots) are already corrected. IV. Construction Method Place safety devices. Reshape ditches. Reclaim suitable materials from ditches and sides. Dispose unsuitable materials. Cut high areas. Blend materials from high areas with reclaimed materials. Fill low areas and compact. Reshape surrounding surface or dig outlet channels through high areas of surface, if needed, to allow water to drain. Report to PRMF Provincial Coach and Provincial Engineer said high areas for scheduling of needed corrective action. Remove safety devices. V. Daily Production Rate 40 to 80 centerline meters repaired (full width or partial width) VI. Method of Measurement The centerline meters repaired to be paid, shall be the length of rods

Local Road Management Manual Page 541 Page 543