Local Road Management Manual 276 Discusses in detail the operational results Local Road Sector that are meant to be attained within the 6 Goals, Objectives planning period within the context of specif- and Targets ic objectives and a broad goal aligned with the infrastructure development plan of the LGU Identifies the best possible means by which Local Road Network the development targets for the local road 7 Development Strat- sector could be attained within the planning egies period, fully considering the institutional and financing challenges and opportunities of the LGU Presents a shortlist of PPAs for the local road sector in a six-year road investment program, specifying required investment and funding sources within the planning period, based on a strategic analysis of existing and projected provincial revenues and expenditures; the essential features of each prioritized PPA are explained in a separate project brief Implementation Plan Provides a concise description of the two- 8 and Investment Pro- step road investment prioritization process gram that resulted in the PPAs; the long list of PPAs for the local road sector within the planning period would be contained in the annex, as identified in a two-step criteria based road prioritization process among stakeholders Contains the crucial elements that would operationalize the plan, including the M&E system and institutional mechanisms for implementation

Local Road Management Manual - Page 277 Local Road Management Manual Page 276 Page 278