Chapter 4: Local Road Surface Treatment Options 101 1. Local Road Management Process Through devolution and decentralization, LGUs have been granted with the local autonomy including the efficient and effective provision of basic services and facilities. Local road infrastructures are considered by the Local Government Code [Sections 17 (a) and (b)] as basic facilities that the LGUs should provide within its jurisdiction. The development and management of the local road network is therefore central to this mandate. As LGUs look to the National Government for guidance, it is paramount that recognized practices for Local Road Management are shared to the LGUs as they fulfill their mandate. Local Road Management (LRM), as the name implies, is planning and sustainably managing the local road network in consideration of the envisioned socioeconomic development of the LGU. Sustainable management of local road infrastructure requires regular maintenance, suitable prioritization and planning, sufficient budget and adequate contracting, financial management and monitoring procedures. In simple terms, Local Road Management (LRM) is the planning and implementation of investments to local roads based on the function and condition of the local road viewed as a network that supports the over- all socioeconomic development of the LGU. The DILG LRM Manual, thus, provides a simple technical reference for LGUs on how they can ably plan and manage their local road network. The local engineering offices will be faced with a series of decisions on what is the appropriate type of investment (or civil works) to a local road and the best method to get this done effectively and efficiently. In this context, an effective provision of a local road infrastructure means that the civil works implemented to the local road functioned as planned, for which the local road is now providing a certain level of service. On the other hand, an efficient provision of local road infrastructure refers to delivering such civil works to a local road at the least cost without sacrificing quality and safety. The local engineering offices can be guided by the local road management process chart shown in Figure 4.1. The stages in this LRM process chart are: a. Configuration of the Local Road Network. All LGUs have an envisioned socioeconomic development that is to be attained

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