Local Road Management Manual 52 In view of the harmonization initiatives for local planning and budgeting, local road planning as a critical function of local road management should be an integral component of the overall CLUP and CDP planning processes for cities and municipalities; and the PDPFP planning framework for provinces. A critical principle in the harmonization process for local planning is ensuring horizontal and vertical linkages amongst development plans across all levels of government (see Figure 3.3). Local planning should be vertically linked and consistent from a lower level of government to the next higher level and vice versa. For instance, the development objectives of a municipality should be congruent with the development objectives of the province. Similarly, within the same level of government, the main plan of the LGU should be horizontally linked and consistent with its sectoral plans and investment programs. To this end, local road planning should be in harmony with the main local development plans of the LGU. Local road planning serves as an input to the development planning of the infrastructure of the LGU. The identified priority road projects under local road planning serve as the investment program for road infrastructure. Figure 3.3 Horizontal and Vertical Linkages of Local Development Plans
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