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Local Road Management Manual 232 b. Resource extractive d. Areas of unique historic, industries: Major mining archaeological, or scientific interest; and quarrying projects, e. Areas traditionally occupied by cultural forestry projects (logging, communities or tribes; major wood processing f. Areas often visited or hit hard by projects, introduction natural calamities (geologic hazards, of exotic animals into floods, typhoons, volcanic activity, public and private etc.); forests, forest occupancy, g. Areas with critical slopes; Areas extraction of mangrove classified as prime agricultural land; products, grazing), fishery h. Recharged areas of aquifers; projects (dikes, fishpond development projects); and i. Water bodies with one or a c. Infrastructure projects: combination of these conditions: Major dams, major designated for domestic use; located power plants (fossil- within controlled or protected areas fueled, nuclear-fueled, declared as such by appropriate hydroelectric, or authorities; or supporting wildlife and geothermal), major fishery activities; reclamation projects, major j. Mangrove areas with one or a roads and bridges. combination of these conditions: Under Proclamation No. 803 of supporting primary pristine and dense 1996: young growth; adjoining the mouth of major river systems; located near a. All golf course projects or beside traditional productive fry or fishing grounds; acting as natural buffer against shore erosion, strong winds, and storm floods; or providing local residents with their main source of livelihood; and k. Coral reefs with one or a combination of these conditions: having at least 50% live coralline algae cover; used as fish spawning and nursery grounds; or acting as natural breakwater

Local Road Management Manual - Page 233 Local Road Management Manual Page 232 Page 234