Local Road Management Manual 230 (CNC) may be secured from DENR-EMB for projects that will not require an ECC issuance to ensure that the proposed projects do not fall under the scope of the PEISS. A draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Report will be prepared by the local government’s environmental unit or a qualified preparer (if full EIA) to outline the recommended mitigation measures to identified potential project impacts; b. Project feasibility study. Environmental impact is assessed in detail and the final project configuration is established together with the EMP. A formal application for the project is submitted to the DENR, together with the EIA results. A positive review is followed by a DENR decision stating the commitments and other requirements of compliance with environmental regulations and environmental best practices; c. Detailed engineering design. The generic measures identified during the EIA study at the feasibility stage are made more specific, in view of the project design and operating specifications. Before the project is built or implemented, more baseline monitoring may have to be done to support the environmental management and monitoring plans; and d. Construction, Operation and Maintenance. Environmental mitigation measures are implemented when the project is first constructed, developed, and operated and throughout its lifetime, and environmental performance is continuously monitored. Findings are used as basis for the continuous improvement of the project and the parallel updating of the EMP. Major road improvement may need new formal applications for DENR approval, referring back to previous approvals. 4.2. Environmental Assessment Requirements DAO 2003-30 sets thresholds for the project categories under the PEISS. There are four categories of projects:

Local Road Management Manual - Page 231 Local Road Management Manual Page 230 Page 232