Chapter 2: Local Road Administration 37 less than fifteen (15) meters, which may be widened to twenty (20) meter, provided that a right-of-way at least sixty (60) meters shall be reserved for roads constructed through unpatented public land; and b. City and Municipal Roads. Municipal and city roads shall have a right-of-way of no less than ten (10) meters, provided that the principal streets of town sites located on public lands shall have a width of sixty (60) meters and all other streets a width of no less than fifteen (15) meters. Section 1.325, Part 3, Volume II of the Design Guidelines, Criteria, and Standards of then MPWH (now DPWH) prescribe the specifications of barangay roads as follows: a. Road right-of-way: 10.00m minimum b. Width of traveled way: 4.00 minimum; and c. Allowable grade: 10% maximum 5. Conversion of Local Roads 5.1 Conversion of Local Roads to National Roads and Vice-Versa The first road classification system in the Philippines was established through Republic Act No. 917, known as the Philippine Highway Act, enacted in 1953 and Executive Order 113 series of 1955, which classifies roads into national roads (national primary and national secondary); “national aid” roads (roads of sufficient importance for eventual reclassification at a later stage); and provincial, city, municipal, and barangay roads. Executive Order No. 124, series of 1987, stipulates that the Minister (now the Secretary) of the Ministry (now Department) of Public Works and Highways shall have the power to “Classify roads and highways into national, regional (interpreted as routes of primary arterial roads), provincial, city, municipal and barangay roads, based on objective criteria it shall adopt; provide or authorize conversion of roads and highways from one category to another.” Local roads may be reclassified into national roads and vice-versa. In June 10, 2009, DPWH issued a memorandum prescribing the criteria/guidelines on road reclassification. The set of guidelines are
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