Local Road Management Manual 148 1. Project Cycle for Local Road Construction Local road construction has a typical project cycle, which starts from planning to design, to actual construction and maintenance. The general project cycle for a road construction project and related works is shown Figure 6.1, for which the steps are the following: a. Road Planning. Roads are planned in support of the envisioned spatial framework or land use of the locality. The road for the subject site may be configured in terms of route (or alignment), pavement type and vehicle capacity. This chapter focuses on typical practices for road planning and programming; b. Road Feasibility. Once a planned configuration of the road is set, the road project may be assessed in terms of its over- all feasibility or viability. In general, the subject road and its planned configuration should provide more economic and financial benefits over costs for the community that is within the influence area of the road. Determining feasibility for the road project includes technical, economic, environmental and social viabilities; c. Road Funding. Once the road project is determined to be technically feasible and economically viable, funding is obtained not only for construction, but as well as road design and maintenance. Fund sources for the road project may be sourced from internal local government funds or external sources such as financing or grants. In principle, a local road project should only commence if there is budget appropriated for it and the actual funds are available from the LGU. d. Road Design. The road is designed to suit the conditions of the site, including the capacity to carry current and projected traffic volume. The road design also takes into consideration the funding limitations, where an optimum design is developed at the least cost but maximum utility as much as practicable. The road design is then validated on site through surveys, where further corrections may be made on the final design prior to actual construction. The final step in road design is packaging the project with quantity calculations and cost estimates;

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