Local Road Management Manual 544 ACTIVITY NO. 104: MACHINE GRADING OF UNPAVED ROAD SURFACES I. Description of Activity Use this activity for correcting minor surface erosion, ruts, corrugations, potholes, depressions, etc. and restoring the surface crown by using a road grader. Reclaiming surface materials and reshaping of ditches, if needed, are included. However, adding new materials and/or surface widening are not included. II. Purpose To provide smooth, well-drained surfaces. Reclaiming surface material and ditching are secondary purposes. III. Schedule of Application Schedule when defects control traffic speeds or threaten the structure of the road surface. Schedule ditching when there is a need 1/. Schedule a roller only when there is sufficient natural moisture for compaction 2/. Defects that cannot be removed by scarifying, such as subgrade failures (soft spots) 3/, should be corrected first prior to scheduling this activity. IV. Construction Method i. Place safety devices. ii. Scarify or cut surface to remove potholes, erosion scars, corrugations, high areas, etc. iii. Clean and re-cut ditches and outlets/turnouts. Remove spoil material from culvert inlets and outlets. iv. Reclaim suitable material from ditches and sides. v. Remove oversize or unsuitable material. vi. Blend reclaimed material with scarified surface materials. vii. Spread, reshape and compact. viii. Check cross section, profile and drainage. Rework if needed. ix. Remove safety devices.

Local Road Management Manual Page 544 Page 546