Magpie Dance (From Me) is a leading dance company in the UK that provides high quality dance experiences for people with intellectual/learning disabilities and/or autism. Together with the dancers, they curate a comprehensive annual artistic theme, performing regularly in a range of culturally diverse venues ranging from high-profile events (World Ballet Day 2019 livestream) to local theatres, shopping centers and public spaces. In June 2021, Magpie Dance was nominated by the Royal Ballet and their chosen “Community Dance Company”. During COVID Students on the Dancer Development Course expressed a desire to create their first dance film and in March 2021, produced From Me. Kym McDaniel (she/her) (Exit Strategy #2) is an experimental filmmaker, media collaborator, choreographer, and performer. She began filmmaking after a head injury and resulting chronic illnesses asked her to reconsider her relationship to dance and the body. She has an MFA in Film, Video, Animation, and New Genres from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and is currently an Advanced Certificate in Disabilities Studies candidate at the City University of New York. She teaches as an Assistant Professor in Cinema at Binghamton University. Katrina McPherson (Uath Lochans and Sense 8) is an award-winning artist, performer, scholar, and educationalist who has contributed to the evolution of screendance for over 30 years. A central characteristic of Katrina’s approach is her use of an embodied, empathetic camera to empower the on-screen performer, and to draw the viewer into the action, creating an active and engaging experience. Katrina is the author of the book Making Video Dance - a step by step guide to creating dance for the screen (Routledge; 2018) Christopher “Unpezverde” Núñez (b. Costa Rica, Garífuna descendant) (Yo Obsolete) is a Visually Impaired choreographer based in NYC. His performances have been presented by The Joyce Theater, The Brooklyn Museum, The Immigrant Artist Biennale, The Kitchen, Danspace Project, Movement Research at The Judson Church and The Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Brooklyn Rail and The Dance Enthusiast. Residencies include Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), The Kitchen, Danspace Project, Movement Research and Center for Performance Research. KEY CREATOR BIOS - 26