What does it cost to host a pop-up shop in Manhattan? For online retailer Everlane, it's $239,500 when you add up expenses like rent, branding, travel, construction and deinstallation costs.

That cost-along with the costs and backstory of everyday items like chairs, hangers and food-was on display last night at Everlane's Open House, a pop-up shop in SoHo running from today until June 28.

"Everything that we do centers around good design and transparency, and the transparency aspect is this idea of really educating the consumer," said Everlane founder and CEO Michael Preysman. Showcasing the cost breakdown of products is something Everlane already does on its site through infographics, which detail the materials, labor and transportation costs for something like a $55 men's slim-fit Oxford shirt.

Petra Langerova, Everlane's head of design, is responsible for the brand's aesthetic, which includes T-shirts with clean lines, minimalist leather handbags and fluid silk blouses. Langerova, who has worked for Gap and Narciso Rodriguez, explained the production behind an item like their hand-cut and hand-assembled Italian leather sandals. "This type of product is not in the market for this price," she said. "It's all vegetable dyed leather, which is very sturdy, so the more you wear, the better it looks." Langerova has been working on a women's loafer-the first closed show for Everlane-expected to debut this fall.

The brand's designs and philosophy have appealed to both men and women, with women making up about 70% of Everlane's customer base, according to Preysman. "We've really got our design and production team in line so we can get on a calendar and really ship product in a way that we haven't before," he said. "And next year we're going to expand to shoes [and] bottoms."

Although last year's deadly collapse of the Rana Plaza garment complex in Bangladesh brought awareness to factory conditions in developing nations, Preysman doesn't believe consumer and business habits have really changed.

"People are definitely more aware, but if you look at transparency in general-look at [Edward] Snowden and all the stuff that happens-it takes a catalyst...to make people change their behavior," he said. "That was a negative incident, but I think it will take more negative incidents, unfortunately, for things to actually start to be relevant."

Everlane's Open House is open until June 28, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., at 199 Lafayette St. in Manhattan.

Write to Robin Kawakami at [email protected]. Follow @robinha

By the Numbers: Everlane's Pop-Up Costs

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