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avoiding surpassing the maximum percentage authorized for this the number of staff in the state’s different bodies, with a breakdown type of procurement relative to permanent staff positions. of their employment system and the results of the procurement processes, including for senior officials and managerial posts. • Conducting periodic audits to identify, correct, and eventually punish irregularities in connection with temporary procurement and service outsourcing. d) To strengthen the operational and technical capacity for implementing competitive, merit-based systems by the issuance of the necessary administrative regulations, the b) To boost the efficient implementation of changes in adoption of instruments that would make it possible to conduct systems that guarantee a merit-based and transparent public recruitment processes, the use of competency-based approach to staff procurement in the state by doing the employment profiles and the use of online government following: concluding the transition to new civil service employment information and management systems. systems currently being implemented; regularizing, on a timely basis, situations of prolonged vacancies or transient employment; ensuring more efficient and timely selection processes; and extending to more government bodies e) To establish mechanisms that curtail the capacity of and agencies systems for appointing senior government political authorities to overrule competitive, merit-based officials and executives based on competitive, merit-based procurement processes, providing them with selection criteria recruitment processes. and requiring them to specify the grounds for their decisions. • Concluding the transition to new civil service systems that are currently being implemented. 3.2.2 • Using mechanisms that render selection processes more Codes of conduct for integrity efficient and make it possible for public sector institutions to benefit from suitable staff for shorter periods of time, preferably by using international technical cooperation and online systems for government employment. Lima Commitment No. 11. Furthering codes of • Adopting the necessary mechanisms to publicize calls to conduct for public officials that contain high applicants to participate in competitive, merit-based public standards of ethics, honesty, integrity, and procurement systems to fill civil service career vacancies or those transparency, using as a point of reference the involving temporary appointments or interim duties. “Guidelines for the Management of Policies for Probity in the Public Administrations of the • Adopting measures that strengthen or extend mechanisms for Americas” and urging the private sector to develop publicizing announcements of vacancies in the executive branch similar codes of conduct. of government via online systems. • When a competitive, merit-based procurement system for senior Principal recommendations by the MESICIC that have given government officials or executives is in place, expand it to the content to the Lima Commitment: highest number of government bodies and agencies. a) To increase the scope, coverage, and effectiveness of c) To improve statistical information on government training on ethical duties and public integrity by doing the employment for decision making, access to employment, following: and accountability to the public: • Requiring staff of the country’s public administration, regardless Ensuring the management and publication of statistical data and of the procurement system, to attend said training as a compulsory specific information that would make it possible to know in detail activity. Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis 21

Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis. - Page 29 Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis. Page 28 Page 30