ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES 17th Street and Constitution Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006, USA Internet: All rights reserved Luis Almagro Secretary General James Lambert Secretary for Hemispheric Affairs María Celina Conte Director of the Summits of the Americas Secretariat This policy note Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis is part of the cooperation initiatives promoted by the Summits Secretariat in the framework of implementing the Mechanism for Follow- up and Implementation of the Lima Commitment and the upcoming Summit, under the direction of María Celina Conte. It is the result of collaboration between the Summits Secretariat and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Its preparation was entrusted to consultant Miguel Peñailillo López. For coordinating the drafting of the policy note and the efforts that nurtured its preparation, noteworthy contributions were made by Frédéric Boehm, OECD Directorate for Public Governance, and Nohra Eugenia Posada, Summits Secretariat, as well as the technical assistance of Felicitas Neuhaus, OECD. Special thanks is extended to the institutions of the states participating in the different phases of the drafting: Argentina, with Nicolás Gómez, National Director of Strategic Affairs, Anti-Corruption Office; Brazil, with Carolina Souto, General Coordinator for Public Integrity, Office of the Comptroller General; Chile, with Francisco Silva, Head of Legal and Institutional Affairs, and Daniela Carrizo, Responsible for Civil Service Ethics and Integrity; Colombia, with Liliana Caballero, Assistant Prosecutor for Preventive Oversight of the Civil Service, Office of the Prosecutor General of the Nation; Costa Rica, with Armando López Baltodano, Prosecutor for Public Ethics, Office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic; Ecuador, with Ricardo Moya, Vice-Minister of Public Service, Ministry of Labor; and Peru, with Cynthia Su Lay, Manager of Civil Service Management Policies, National Civil Service Authority. Thanks is also extended to María Fernanda Trigo, Mike Mora, and Helena Fonseca of the OAS Department for Effective Public Management, and Andrew Stevenson, of the Summits Secretariat, for their comments on a preliminary version of this document, as well as Laura Martínez, of the Technical Secretariat of the MESICIC, for her guidance and participation in the initial stage of this effort. Preparation for and publication of this document were made possible thanks to a contribution from the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF). The ideas and proposals found in this edition are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not compromise the official position of CAF.